Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A fan Abused One Direction Harry Styles

A One Direction fan was bombarded with abuse yesterday after cheekily changing her name on Instagram so that a Harry Styles snap would link to her. Harry, 19, had uploaded a photo of himself with Paralympic athlete Stephen Miller and mentioned the sportsman's Twitter username @hailfabio.
'Met @Hailfabio while I was strolling. Good luck for Rio! .x,' wrote Harry, 19.
However, club and discus thrower Stephen, 32, doesn't have Instagram so the cheeky 1D follower quickly changed her username to hailfabio on the site to make the picture link to her page.
The sneaky trick backfired and she was soon inundated with hate mail from jealous Directioners, forcing her to post an explanatory message.
'I did change my username, but if the hate is nonstop I'll change it back,' she wrote.
'I was being kind to give a shoutout to a few people because I knew this is a unfair situation. If you report me, it's going to make it worse.'
Northumberland-born Stephen didn't seem to notice the drama and posted his own photo of himself with Harry, who's on One Direction's Take Me Home tour.

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