Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why Hasn’t Jennifer Aniston Married Justin Theroux Yet?

Jennifer Aniston has the hunky fiancé, blinding engagement ring, and body to pull off any style of wedding dress out there. So why hasn't she married Justin Theroux yet?
Engaged since last August, we've been waiting for those wedding bells to ring since late February when celeb-friendly People magazine set the gossip world ablaze with their cover story touting Aniston's "Wedding Countdown," which noted, "She's got the rings, dress, and date."

As for that date, it was imminent, according to the article. The "small affair" would take place "soon after" the 44-year-old wrapped filming an upcoming flick. That was March 8.

Clearly we disagree about the definition of soon (People has not immediately responded to omg!'s request for comment), because, now, over a month later, there's been no wedding – and perhaps even no wedding dress?!
Jennifer Aniston on April 16 (Gregg DeGuire/WireImage)On Tuesday night, Aniston – rocking a black Dior
shorts suit ... and the telltale sign that she recently underwent cupping treatment – hit the red carpet in Los Angeles to promote "Call Me Crazy." While she was limiting her interviews to the topic of the Lifetime movie that she co-produced, E! News snuck in one wedding-related question, asking whether she had her dress.
"No, I don't," she replied, clear as day, though – in our opinion – not all that convincingly.

For someone planning what stands to be the wedding of the year, Aniston likely doesn't mind that the details are murky. In fact, celebrities are known to leak false information about their nuptials to confuse the media, which includes, of course, those pesky paparazzi.
"We had mothers of the bride 'accidentally' let something slip or a close family source leaking something that wasn't correct to get the media in a frenzy, but then nothing happens," The Bridal Bar founder Harmony Walton, who has worked on weddings for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, and many others, tells omg!.
The whole celebrity wedding process is conducted with CIA-type secrecy, especially for someone of Aniston's level of fame.

"Whoever Jen is working with to design her dress, she'll have that person come to her so that she’s not photographed leaving Vera Wang or seen doing a cake tasting. All of the planning takes place in the privacy of her home – and often under the cloak of darkness," laughs Walton. "We’ve done weddings where the meetings took place at 10 or 11 o’clock at night because at the time nobody even knew the couple was engaged. If they were seen planning a wedding, their secret would be out."

And just because Aniston has a gap in projects, it doesn't necessarily mean she’ll use that time to say "I do."
"A lot of time the media expects a couple to marry when they have a big break in their schedule," says Walton. "We've had couples who had the weekend off from shooting their TV show or filming a movie and they got married that weekend, went right back to work on Monday, and honeymooned later. That’s because no one is expecting them to squeeze it into a fairly crowded schedule."
So it seems Aniston will keep us guessing ... for now. Though we bet she'll at least wait until those cupping marks clear up. After all, the world is watching -- and we know she'll be at her very best.

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