Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Voice's "Best Battle Ever" Is So Insane, It Leaves Coaches Speechless—Watch Now!

Newsflash: If you aren't watching The Voice, you are missing what is perhaps the clearest winner ever of a reality singing competition. No, really, not even Kelly Clarkson was this good this early on!
Tonight, on night one of the Battle Rounds, Judith Hill—the powerhouse who blew away the coaches in auditions—took on Karina Iglesias for a spot on Adam Levine's team, and the result was so soul-shakingly good, the performance received a standing ovation by both the audience and the coaches, and coach Blake Shelton couldn't even speak at first. He then admitted he was "freaking out."

"That was not a great battle," Adam told the women, who sang James Brown's "This Is a Man's World." "That was the best battle we've ever seen on this show."
After getting blasted by Shakira and Blake for pitting the women against each other, Adam then was tasked with the difficult duty of cutting one of the women loose. Naturally, although Iglesias certainly held her own (no small feat), he kept Hill, who seems destined for superstardom...like, now. Almost immediately, Shakira slammed her button and stole away Iglesias to her own team. So neither of the women will be leaving the show.

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