Monday, April 15, 2013

Drake VS Chris Brown

The row between Drake and Chris Brown seems to have been going on for longer than a juicy Eastenders storyline and it shows no sign of letting up thanks to some recent comments made by Drake...
During an interview Drake was asked about Brown and was quick to answer with, "Don't ask s*** about that man when I come up there. Leave that man alone. Stop preying on his insecurities."
Erm, that sounds suspiciously like someone is sticking up for their past enemy, non? Err, NO.
"His insecurities are the fact that I make better music than him, that I'm more poppin' than him and that at one point in life the woman he loves fell into my lap."

Ouch! Could he be talking about Chris' on-off-on again lover Rihanna with whom Drake is rumoured to have dated? We think so!
On East Village Radio's Keep It Thoro show Drake continued his rant saying, "I treated her with respect, so she's not up there talking down on me. All those things combined create an individual that comes into your radio station and is just gonna do dumb s***. We have an issue and it's either gonna drag out or maybe in ten years we'll laugh about it over drinks. Just let us solve that s***."
We're not too optimistic that Drake and Chris Brown will be LOLing over lunch about their tiff anytime soon, especially after Drake ended with this...
"I don't want to hear that man rap. Nobody wants to hear me rap against him. Let him put out that, whatever, Project X or whatever he's working on and I'm going to put out that real s*** for people."
DING DING! Over to you, Chris...

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